Why Fat-Loss is Not a Straight Line to Success
'You have dropped weight, what are you doing?' This question has been a tough one to answer without going in to a novel-like rhetoric and...

3 Reasons to Choose Strength Training vs. Cardio
I know I know. The cardio bunnies are going to attack! But before you do, let me clarify. As a former cardio bunny myself, I know why...

Coffee - Is it Healthy?
Coffee. Is it healthy? Is it part of a healthy lifestyle? Should I cut it out? (some of my most frequent questions) Well that all...

5 Steps to Achieving Body-Love in 2017
Weight-loss as a New Years Resolution is so last year. But seriously - let's all agree to STOP the madness of the Jan 1st weight-loss...

4 Reasons NOT to be Intimidated by the Gym
This one isn't just for the ladies. This is for everyone who has ever felt a fear of the gym. I talk to a lot of people. Many of which...

3 Reasons to Just 'Say No' to Processed Foods
Yes, I am a 'flexible nutrition' follower: AKA: I eat according to my allotted macronutrients (protein/carb/fat + fiber) for the day and...

5 Signs You Aren't Getting Enough Sleep (and what to do about it)
I get the most that I can. I am a huge advocate. I put it above all other health activities in my life (including workouts). I count...

What is Reverse Dieting?
As promised, a follow up to last weeks 'What is Flexible Dieting'. Reverse dieting, in simple terms, is the process of slowly adding...

What is Flexible Dieting?
This is the most common question I receive on all channels and I want to devote a post and some time to this. Part I will be the simple...

2 Reasons Why Oil Pulling Should Be in Your Daily Routine
By now you have probably heard the term 'oil-pulling'. And while you may think its some 'hippie-healing' method, there are some real...