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About Tarrah Speer Lee

Tarrah Speer Lee holds a Bachelors from University of Kansas and a Masters from Webster University.  She is a Certified Nutritionist and holds two certifications from National Academy of Sports Medicine: Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist.  Tarrah also has extensive training in athletic performance, bodybuilding, pre-natal exercise and nutrtition and TRX certification.


She is the Host of her former online radio show ‘Denver Nutritionista’ that is now the Podcast, InsideOut Podcast with her best friend and Emotional Fitness Expert, Terrisa Coobs.  Tarrah has been working with clients in the nutrition realm for over 5 years.  She was one in 5 women featured in Women’s Health Magazine as a candidate to be ‘The Next Fitness Star’ and was featured on the Today’s Show, Colorado & Company, The Denver Post and Denver Westword.  Tarrah has competed in 7 national NPC fitness competitions and is highly involved in Eating Disorder Awareness activities as she has suffered from eating disorders in her past.  Tarrah’s goal is to educate on the importance of balance, freedom and health when it comes to food and exercise and how to overcome the hurdles of poor body image issues and disorders.  She is a nationally recognized positive body image and health and wellness speaker.













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Tarrah advocates a ‘whole foods’ lifestyle (also called ‘real food’ or paleo lifestyle) after a long history of dieting and exercise extremes left her with severely compromised endocrine health and adrenal fatigue.  The blog, recipes and Podcast advocate this lifestyle as well as pure healing from the inside out with meditation, self-transformation, goal setting, therapeutic treatment and, Tarrah’s favorite, heavy lifting.


Tarrah and her husband own and operate OpFit, an online customized nutrition and fitness coaching operation.  They work with clients around the US and internationally and love everything about health and fitness.



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