Work + Mom Can = Isolation: Dig Out!
Let’s get this thing back up and running! I have to admit – being a new Mama, a wife, fitness/nutrition lover and full-time professional...

Weston James Birth Story
I didn't write a lot about pregnancy: about my workouts and nutrient-dense lifestyle and how I truly believed that was THE cause for me...

How to 'Get it All In' in a Day
Someone asked me this week for a sample of my daily schedule and tips for ‘getting it all in’. What a great ask! Let me be the first to...

5 Daily Activities to Spark Motivation
One of the questions I am asked often in regards to a healthy lifestyle is 'how do you stay motivated on a daily basis?' Motivation is a...

Real Talk: Gut Health
Gut health is a hot topic but many people don't really know what it means to have good gut health or how to get there

How to Prepare For the Week on a 'Keto' Lifesytyle
This week alone, I had 5+ people ask me what my Sunday food prep looks like when eating a high-fat lifestyle (AKA: Keto or LCHF) and what...

3 BIG Benefits of Eating Real Food
The definition of food is: ‘Material that contains essential nutrients, which are assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate...

5 Small Steps Toward a Healthier 2018
I greatly dislike New Years Resolutions. Why? Because they are a means to an end- not a real commitment or lifestyle change. Though I DO...

My Holiday Gift Guide 2017
I have sourced some incredible gifts by reading and listening to podcast gift guides each year! So - I thought, why not compile a list...

4 Signs You Have An Unhealthy Relationship with Healthy Food
Meal plan. Clean eating. Paleo. Keto. Primal. Low Carb. Macros. No matter your nutrition philosophy of choice, it is easy to become...