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Flexible Nutrition, Wellness & Workout Programs


Flexible Nutrition Programs


What is 'Flexible Nutrition'?

Also called 'flexible dieting' by many in the fitness industry - flexible nutrition is a lifestyle whereby you eat the foods you want as long as they add up to your daily allotted macronutrients (macros for short.) There are 3 major macronutrients that the body needs to function properly: Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats.  


How Do I Know My 'Macros'?

That's all part of the Flexible Nutrition program that Coach T will determine for you and educate you on exactly how those numbers were determined.


What About My Goals?

Tarrah knows your goals are your own and will work with you to assess and determine the right course of action to reach your goals safely and healthily. Weather you are looking to lose weight, gain muscle, reverse diet to repair metabolism, prepare for athletic events or just maintain a healthy balance, Tarrah has customized programs designed with you in mind.


What is Reverse Dieting?

Reverse dieting is exactly how it sounds - it is dieting in reverse - adding macronutrients (which add calories) in order to repair your metabolism.  If you are like many of us and have tried every diet in the book, have eaten extremely low calorie believing that less food leads to weight loss, have over-exercised or partaken in any deprivation-style diets, you may be experiencing 'metabolic damage'.  When the metabolism is compromised (by doing all of the above) metabolism speed drops significantly.  Have you ever wondered why at such low caloric intake, you aren't dropping body fat?  Odds are, your metabolism has slowed and will not speed until you add more calories/macronutrients.


By slowly and methodically adding macronutrients throughout a set period of time, your metabolism begins to slowly speed and eventually recover.  The goal is to minimize bodyfat gain while increasing macronutrients and push the body's caloric intake. Once you have recoevered your metabolism, you are able to handle a much higher caloric intake and STILL lose bodyfat!


Do You Provide Meal Plans?

NO.  Why?  Because with macronutrient 'Flexible-Nutrition' - you have FREEDOM!



  • 30 Day Program $99


[Included in Each Program]

  • Customized Macronutrient Guidelines 

  • Weekly Photo/Measurement/Weight Check-Ins wtih Coach T

  • Adjustments to Macros Weekly/Positive Feedback by Coach T

  • Instructions on Food Logging (video links and print)

  • Responses to Check-Ins/Nutrition Questions within 48 Hours






  • 30 Day Program $99


[Included in Each Program]

  • Customized Workouts Provided in a Month Calendar Format

  • Weekly Photo/Measurement/Weight Check-Ins wtih Coach T

  • Instructions on Specific Exercises (video links and print)

  • Responses to Check-Ins/Fitness Questions within 48 Hours







  • 30 Day Program $199


Tarrah's 'Full Throttle' Program offers the best of the best with:

  • Coach T's Customized Fitness Programs

  • Coach T's Customized Flexible Nutrition Program

  • Weekly Photo/Measurement/Weight Check-Ins 

  • Adjustments to Macros Weekly/Positive Feedback by Coach T

  • Workout Questions Answered/Positive Feedback by Coach T

  • Instructions on Exercises and Food Logging (video links and print)

  • Responses to All Check-Ins and Questions within 48 Hours


Maximize your results with Flexible Nutrition/Fitness Program Combo!


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